Thursday, June 2, 2011

Far from the Apple Tree

Going from 0-10 in less than an hour is amazing. In search of work as a newly single parent I above all have rent to pay to keep that roof over our heads. I was working at an alarm company for a few months and enjoying the newly taught skills I had aquired. Unfortuately the company become slow and there were no hours for me to work. Ofcourse this set me in a tizzy as my rent was due on June 1st. I finally had my resume printed and thanks to the help of a facebook Canadian friend I never met and my 10 year old son Skyler we cut, copied and pasted my resume to I was free to answer all and every Email that I was suited for in the workforce. First up today was a job at "The Shack" in Centerport. A roadside burger, shrimp, beer joint that is seasonal and in need of counter girls. I put my best foot foward and put my gift of gab into motion as I spoke the manager. She told me to come in and give it a try on Saturday night. I walked away like I won the lotto. So excited at the prospect of this possible new job that would incorporate two things I am most wonderful at: Gabbing and being super duper busy on overload with no time to stop and think. Next up a job interview at 4:00 pm for a publishing company that would be full time in sales. I had to bring Skyler with me and bribe him with the usage of my Iphone with unlimited Angry Birds while I interviewed. I met with the Sales Manager and after the usual Q & A session he offered me to come in on Monday and train for 3 weeks with the hopes we like each other and I go on to Sale their product to 100% satisfaction. Again, walking away this time with Skyler like I won an all expensive paid vacation to Hawaii for myself and 2 friends. I was ecstatic to come home and tell my landlord that she would have the rent and at the same time so thrilled to again have the chance to be the shining star I am meant to be. After speaking to my landlord I came inside with Skyler to cook dinner and sit down to a nice glass of wine whilst thinking about the new endeavors I am to be embarking on when the phone rang and on the other end was a gentleman who received my resume and wanted to meet with me for his open position. I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon and then practically did a Tom Cruise on my couch while Skyler looked at me with wonderment and then hugged me and said "I love you" you're a great mom and I kissed him back and said "I love you more than anything in the whole world. At this moment life is filled with infinite possibilties and the universe is singing my song.