Monday, May 30, 2011

Far from the Apple Tree

Ready, Set, Go!! Ok, here is my second go. Ofcourse my first go yesterday afternoon was not for public consumption. I have many topics that go through my head at once on any given day. The issue with that I find lately that facebook isn't quite a big enough venue for me to share my silly, thought provoking, bumpy ride life lately. That being said my friend who is now my Burton Cummings has set me up blogging and I in turn hope to make all who follow laugh, cry, smile and who knows maybe want to date me. I am single...anyhoo, I am segwaying.. I do that well. I have recently become a single parent and I am struggling with lots of whats right and wrong and most of all how to be successful at what I love the most which is writing. I have so stories to share and I know given the right venue I can get my words out there to be heard and heartfelt. This Memorial Day weekend I didn't have my son so ofcourse I was not looking foward to all these days with so much time on my hands. No, I don't have alot of friends, No, my family doesn't live close by and Yes, I was lonely all weekend except for the date I went on Saturday night with someone I met on facebook. I must say I as usual put a very high expectation on how he would actually find me as my facebook picture looks the same but since my separation I have gained some weight which is always a bone of contention for me thanks to my overbearing jewish mother. Back to date. We talked on the phone for a good hour or so before we finally met. I dressed as best I could in black. Blondes look good in black, plus it's very slimming. We met at Fridays. He looked exactly like his picture. Very cute, very jewish and a rock and roller. Three checks in my book. We had dinner, got to know each other, laughed and at the end of the dinner when we walked to our cars he hugged me and said call me so I know you got home safe. I called, I thanked him dinner and that was all he wrote. My head went right to I am fatter than my pictures and he didn't like that or me. Are you guys hooked yet. Thanks for letting me share. I hope I got it right this time for my first blog or I have a very big Canadian guy to answer to.

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