Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can I help you help me?

I feel extremely passionate about embarking on a discovery of myself and in turn to help others combat addictive behaviors in the way of Alcohol and Substance abuse. Some of us who struggle so vehemently with addictive behaviors are in their own private hell. One can not phathom the plight of a mortal soul who is brought to their knees on instances based on their belief they are no good or broken or their  sheer emptiness inside. You may crave the substance whether it be food, drug or alcohol and still love your family. If it was simply a matter of choice of course we would opt for love however some of us fell by the wayside and confuse love on so many levels with our beliefs of who we are mostly due to our parents perhaps only knowing what them themselves saw as children. I can get stuck in my head on the worst of days and look in the mirror and see a monster. The person who sees me may see my beauty on the inside but for me I am myself learning that beauty comes from within and I am fortunate that only recently I have decided to surround myself with only postive people with which then positive energy flows and I can take baby steps to slowly learn to like myself and not ever need anything more than love from within to create my pefect universe that I someday will reap the benefits from. So I say can I help you help me? And the answer is you already have.

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