Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Louie, Louie, Louie

Last week I took Skyler to his new schools open house. Since becoming a single mom I have gained quite a bit of weight. I refuse to buy new clothes because i haven't the money and I keep hoping I will finally loose this fluffiness as it is called in 2011. I was dressed in sweats which back in the day would be considered floods, and a Ed Hardy tank. I looked like a Suma wrestler big bad mama biker chick. Now mind you when I was married I had my big beautiful ring. I still have my Louis Vittons but I was thinner and felt worthy of these things. Strange, I know. That's how I roll. The moment we walked into the school I felt like garbage. Yes, garbage. Most of the mommies were dressed nicely, and had the Louies and the jewerly and some looked like they stepped out of the Housewives Of Kings Park, LI. I was there once. I am not now. Why in the world should this bother me? Worse yet, is it or will it be a reflection on Skyler that he's not wearing Polo or Abecrombie? I know in my head the logic but yet put in the situation feel so out of place. My saving grace atleast at Skylers past elementary school was that there were other mommies like me. Chubby, tattoed, not so perfect looking. I hadn't seen one at the open house. And yes, there are more important things to worry about like world hunger and peace. Of course for me my only question is why the heck to me do Louis Vitton and chubby not go hand in hand?

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